Impact Report 2022-2023

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Foundation for Louisiana is the one place you can go to support freedom work statewide.

We tackle the issues deeply impacting our communities: racial justice, criminal justice reform, gender equity, climate justice, and more.

We support the work of community-based organizations responding to the state’s greatest challenges. We’re thrilled to announce that this past year has been a game-changer, driving growth and broadening our impact in pivotal areas.

Access the Impact Report to get inspired by our progress and plans for a brighter, more equitable Louisiana.

Impact Report 2022-2023 Cover

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The Impact Report includes:

✓  A comprehensive look at our resource redistribution strategies

✓  How we're funding organizations led by women of the Global Majority

✓  Insights into expanding our grantee partners' state-wide presence

✓  Detailed implementation of co-leadership and collective leadership models

✓  Key leadership highlights including a 25% increase in grantmaking

✓  Strategies for disaster recovery, particularly mid- to long-term Hurricane Ida relief efforts